I'm Dinesh D'Souza and I'm thrilled to be on this censorship-free platform.
How crazy! I used to think America was a censorship-free platform.
I'm looking forward to being myself here! To sharing my take on a whole range of issues, primarily politics, but also history, philosophy, religion, and so on.
By way of background: I was born in India, came to America at the age of 17 as an exchange student, studied at Dartmouth, worked in the Reagan White House, served as a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution, and have written a bunch of books--17 or 18 at last count--and made five documentary films including "2016: Obama's America" and "Hillary's America." I now do a daily podcast that is available in audio on Apple, Spotify and Google, and on video on YouTube and Rumble.
I was approached by Locals and introduced to the platform. Wow, what a great place to be, and how wonderful as a creator to have this kind of control over the forum I intend to create here.
I want my posts to be uninhibited, candid, constructive, and action-oriented. So not merely "We gotta act," but rather "Here's what we need to do, and here's what you can do."
I hope you'll join me on this new and fascinating voyage. Call it a "second sailing," if I can use a term borrowed from the ancient Greeks.
I also intend to spend time on this platform, so I can read what you have to say, and interact with my audience as much as possible. This is, in a sense, my "inner circle."
Here's hoping that we can revive free and open conversations on pressing and legitimate issues, and that we can help the country find its way in a time of pressing need.
This isn't just a place for you to hear from me, this is a community for US. Create your own post and share a bit about yourself. I look forward to hearing from you.