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2 Israeli F-4s vs 28 Egyptian MiGs - The Fight that Changed the World

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February 19, 2024
Is Brandon Gill really a Texan? Well, let’s see
How we became foreigners in our own country

“Imagine if you walked into your house, and realized that the furniture had been changed; the personal photos on the walls are not those of your family; the dog in the home is not yours. This is how most people currently feel in the West. They no longer recognize their societies.”—Gad Saad

Now imagine further that this was not done through foreign invaders crashing into your home but rather by the leaders and elders of your own household, who invited the gate-crashers in.

My message to the Scottish people

The stupidest Indian outside of India, Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf, has resigned. Excellent news! My message to the Scottish people is to stop putting extremely stupid people of Indian descent in charge of their country

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Mossad: Israel's Secret Warriors | Ep 4 0f 4| Full Documentary

Mossad against the Egyptian regime: What will the Mossad do?

In 1962, the Egyptian regime launched its new missile program, which poses a threat to Israel and the Mossad. So, the Mossad and its secret warriors have to intervene. But the main threat is that the Egyptian missiles can reach and harm Israel and the Mossad. However, in 1965, the missile program was put on hold.

The Jews are being persecuted again, 27 years after the Holocaust, and the Mossad has to do something to prevent it. But what?

Find out in our documentary!

October 27, 2023
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Police State Goes Live Tonight

Police State will go live tonight at 12:01am ET.

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