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On the issue of “inconsistencies” in the four gospels
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How plagiarism became commonplace in academia
Felon chic

The crowd seems to love this “convicted felon”! The lesson, from Mandela to Martin Luther King Jr to Trump, is that framing your political opponents for bogus “crimes” does not go down well with the people who see what’s going on

A surprise announcement

El Salvador president Nayib Bukele summoned his top officials for a surprise announcement. How rare it is to see this kind of leadership today

Jamaal Bowman’s distress signal

Jamaal Bowman pulled an emergency fire alarm and his constituents showed up to lead him to the nearest exit

The Moulin Rouge society

Check out Biden’s new White House associate communications director. This is the Moulin Rouge society this regime wants to inflict on us. Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio?

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Rep. Bowman Loses Primary Race to Moderate Latimer-Epoch Times-25 June 2024. “He was the fire alarm puller in the capitol building.”

NEW YORK CITY—Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) has lost a primary battle to Westchester County executive George Latimer, becoming the first member of the far-left “Squad” to be unseated by a centrist Democrat.

Mr. Latimer leads Mr. Bowman 54.5 percent to 45.5 percentage points, with 53 percent reporting. The Associated Press called the race at 21:38 p.m EDT.

October 27, 2023
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Police State Goes Live Tonight

Police State will go live tonight at 12:01am ET.

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