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September 16, 2024

I need some help. What documentary is available on the true story of the January 6 capital riot. Yesterday, my retired marine brother-in-law said he could not forgive Trump for not stopping the invasion on the capital. I said Trump never ordered anybody to go into the capital. He said it was an invasion and wrong and Trump should’ve done more to stop it. He said there’s no excuse for attacking police officers. Of course, he only watches mainstream media. Has anyone seen a documentary they can tell me about that I could send to him to watch about the true story of what happened on January 6. Thank you and may God bless President Trump and protect him and help him to win in November .

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August 07, 2024
The return of Reagan’s question

Genius ad by Trump—this one is narrated by Reagan

Kids in Uganda reenact the Trump assassination attempt!

Trump is now a global superstar!

One of the best political ads I’ve ever seen

This is even better than Reagan’s 1984 “Morning in America”


Alert! Alert!

Look what I got in the mail today!!

Someone in Texas ( a PAC not connected to any candidate or party ) wants to help me get an absentee ballot !! I'm already signed up for one with my locals. I get one every time - ONE - only one - to ME.

Now I can send my information to someone in Texas to HELP me?

One thing ole Brandon often said, "Common' Man!"

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September 16, 2024

Dan Bongino asked an interesting question on his podcast this morning: How did the shooter know that President Trump was going to golf on that course yesterday?

How was he able to go into the bushes with a rifle near the fifth hole without anyone seeing him?

Where was the Secret Service?

Biden and Harris have been trying to lock President Trump in prison, but that hasn't happened-yet. To become a dictator, which Comrade Kamala wants to be, she needs President Trump dead. That's how dictators act-either put their opponents in prison or have them killed.

October 27, 2023
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Police State Goes Live Tonight

Police State will go live tonight at 12:01am ET.

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