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If freedom of speech is a privilege
government then needs to hand
out permits to speak as they do
fishing and drivers.

This is an absolute right as long
as you don't libel or slander
someone which ultimately
threatens their right to
life, liberty or property.
In other words if you deny
someone there right to life,
liberty or property then and
only then you should lose

Making it a government grant
would only serve to further
erode the rest of the Bill of
Rights that remain.

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August 07, 2024
The return of Reagan’s question

Genius ad by Trump—this one is narrated by Reagan

Kids in Uganda reenact the Trump assassination attempt!

Trump is now a global superstar!

One of the best political ads I’ve ever seen

This is even better than Reagan’s 1984 “Morning in America”


Just saw your movie. It brought tears to me. Everyone clapped in the theater when it was over. Saw Butler Pa, I live less than a mile from there. My husband and I want to be there this Saturday. I’ve been asked to be a clerk and I will have my eyes open for sure. God Bless you for putting the truth out. Do you know how you get seats behind him?
Darlene Jackson

I said a while ago, Dinesh Mike Pence was evil. He’s an pathetic man and he’s a rino and you kept saying he’s a nice guy. No, he’s not.

October 27, 2023
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Police State Goes Live Tonight

Police State will go live tonight at 12:01am ET.

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