“Yes 2 UBI ?” - Riddle me this ...
… if The SuperWealthy can stand in The Communist BreadLine known as The Stock Market and suck the life out of the masses;..
.. why can't something exist to shunt some of all that rapidly following money back down to the poor from whence it all comes from?
understand that as poor people we can't ever trust the stock markets, and simple known fact, ‘we the poorest people’ we just want simpler lives
I'm not asking to eliminate work weeks for all the slaves, but nearly cutting them in half would be very smart.
It would definitely help job seekers get employed,..
Automation is always taking over and human births are below replacement levels,..
Besides, when you send someone to prison or mental hospital, it's as simple as using the individual's own UBI CHECKS to pay for all, or at least some of it.
retirement pensions could get replaced with the same UBI system, perhaps an average retirement pension is 2 or 3 times the size of a 20-30 year olds payment? Perhaps, the more hours worked in a lifetime, the more the worker’s retirement pension increases ( capping out at some point obviously ).
The Savings / National Efficiency in it all; I truly believe it will pay for itself many times fold.
- frankly, because of Machinery, Computers, AI, Robotics etc, UBI will become the only way to grow the middle class; and RightWing Governments Everywhere better get smarter and get real on this issue ASAP because I can guarantee the left wing evil doers have a very good inch with this issue: an inch they could easily use to take back their currently lost mile if all Right Wingers don't properly dream this UBI thing up first.
- Obviously if LEFTWING get's power again, UBI will help them destroy everything on Earth; so I say make sure all people are well taken care of as a way to further embarrass all these Lib-Tard’d, Evil / Dumbass Left Wingers.
I know UBI is definitely on the line of something that's almost Communist, but we need to try to see the idea of a nation running on a form of Christian Capitalism. Look, I hate most things done by Communism, but I do ask all people to not hate the things of Communism just for the sake of hating Communism.. but rather to adopt any and all things that will benefit us all.
Love what 🇺🇸Founding-Fathers 🇺🇸FF did in The Constitution with 'Private Property, aka an Individual's Time & Earned Money' (yes, I agree, IRS/TAXES = Theft: only corporate activity should be taxed); that said, The 🇺🇸FF never saw Machinery/Computers/AI/Robotics/etc😎
Do not Hate things about Communism just for the sake of Hating Communism: Hate only the things you truly believe will cause chaos/wealth gaps/human depopulation; & Adopt The Things Mankind is Ready For!
If we decide to do UBI, It's important to couple The new UBI system with a very simplified tax system.
I recommend, no yearly tax forms for Average Americans (all non corporate activity is not directly taxed), and let's replace all taxes with a carbon tax, (not to fight climate change that's obviously stupid), but a consumption tax on all energy is the fastest way to get the money from the corporations, money the corporations got from ‘we the people consumers’, and UBI gives back a portion of the people’s own money, in some cases the very very poor will get more money back then they paid in: worth it if it helps give reason for crime rates to be decreased- (obviously, if necessary, yes to harsher penalties for the doing of crime in any decently constructed world/nation that tries very hard and also succeeds at it: making all people happier and peaceful.
The benefit is obviously that wealth gaps will increase at a much slower rate, less need for massive-excessively rapid money printing operations / in fact I see a point in human history where national surpluses are a very common thing if just these very basic ideas were well enough considered and properly implemented in all nations on Earth.
My understanding of God is never to actually expect your words and or prayers to come to pass, (aka never pray with your hands out); if God says to us all that these thoughts are wrong, then my simultaneous prayer is obviously to learn why. Amen
I love this photo below, but the future must & definitely will have a form of UBI.
.. and mankind will regret not setting it up sooner ..
Our collective regret won't be like, 'awe now we're all collectively dying', but more 'awe,..
.. 'we could've all been soo much better off!' Amen😎